Word Association Test

Once the Thematic Apperception Test is over, the invigilator will hand over the booklet of Word Association Test. The following are some of the details:

·        WAT consists of 60 slides showing different words and space to write your responses

·        You have to assume write a full sentence using that word

·        Time given for each word in this test would be exactly 15 seconds, post which the next slide would be shown

·        Understand that they are not conducting this test to assess your English skills. Instead, they want you to pen down your first thought to assess your personality

1.1.        How to prepare for Word Association Test (WAT):

Again, it’s the same old story for WAT. Developing Officer Like Qualities is the best/only method to become successful. This is important because only a person with those qualities will have such first thoughts. Understand the meaning of each of these qualities and analyze yourself to know whether you possess them. Refer section 6 to know what are the 15 Officer Like Qualities. Follow the steps mentioned for SRT (Section 3.2) for WAT also.

1.2.        Some generic tips to keep in mind while attending WAT:

1.      Keep your responses short. Remember that you’ve to write your response in just 15 seconds. Hence keep the responses to 1 or a maximum 2 sentences. It’s necessary that you should complete all 60 in the given time.

2.      Skipping words is not a good idea. This is not as significant as SRT, still, skipping words is not recommended.

3.      Keep your response sentences positive or neutral. Even if a word sounds negative, it’s preferable to write a positive or neutral sentence. For example, a good response for “Murder” can be, “The justice was made in the murder case”. This will help to bring out the optimism in you. But don’t write absurd sentences just for the sake of being positive.

4.      Don’t write facts. Writing “Sun rises in the morning” for the word “morning” doesn’t make any sense and doesn’t add any value in assessing your personality. So, try not to do that.

5.      Write sentences in present or past tense. This will bring a sense of certainty and confidence in you. Avoid phrases which shows uncertainty like “would be”, “could be”, “may be”, “have to”, etc.

1.3.        Practice tests for Word Association Test (WAT):

Follow these steps while taking these tests:

·        Keep a timer which ticks an alarm call for every 15 seconds and stop writing responses at that moment

·        Always write the first response that comes to your mind. In this way, you can assess your personality

·        For evaluation, keep the list of 15 Officer Like Qualities with you and check whether any of the responses contradict with any of those qualities. If it does, think and improve yourself and your response in that quality. Else you are fine

·        You can take the help of your friend/teacher for the evaluation

Practice set 1:

1.      Abide

2.      Baby

3.      Calamity

4.      Dance

5.      Each

6.      Face

7.      Gallant

8.      Habit

9.      Ice

10.  Jack

11.  Kashmir

12.  Laboratory

13.  Machine

14.  Name

15.  Oath

16.  Pact

17.  Quack

18.  Rain

19.  Sacrifice

20.  Tack

21.  Vacancy

22.  Ugly

23.  Wade

24.  Xerox

25.  Eradicate

26.  Ability

27.  Bachelor

28.  Calm

29.  Danger

30.  Early

31.  Factory

32.  Game

33.  Handsome

34.  Idea

35.  Jail

36.  Keen

37.  Labor

38.  Machine Gun

39.  Narrow

40.  Obedience

41.  Padlock

42.  Qualification

43.  Rank

44.  Sad

45.  Tackle

46.  Ultimate

47.  Vacate

48.  Wage

49.  X-mas

50.  Zeal

51.  Able

52.  Background

53.  Candle

54.  Darjeling

55.  Earn

56.  Fail

57.  Garden

58.  Happy

59.  Ideals

60.  Japan

Practice set 2:

1.   Lack

2.   Major

3.   Nasty

4.   Obesity

5.   Pain

6.   Qualify

7.   Rape

8.   Saint

9.   Take

10.         Umbrella

11.         Vaccine

12.         Wail

13.         X-rays

14.         Zebra

15.         Above

16.         Backward

17.         Cannot

18.         Dark

19.         Earth

20.         Failure

21.         Garland

22.         Hard

23.         Identity

24.         Jealous

25.         Knife

26.         Ladder

27.         Majority

28.         Night

29.         Obey

30.         Paper

31.         Quality

32.         Read

33.         Satisfaction

34.         Talk

35.         Umpire

36.         Vague

37.         Walk

38.         Yak

39.         Zed

40.         Absence

41.         Bad

42.         Capable

43.         Dash

44.         Easily

45.         Fail

46.         Gay

47.         Hard work

48.         Idleness

49.         Jerk

50.         Knowledge

51.         Lame

52.         Make

53.         Nation

54.         Object

55.         Para Military

56.         Quantitative

57.         Reading

58.         Satisfy

59.         Tank

60.         Keep

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